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Insurance since 1919

Website revamp

website revamp Having had an enjoyable Christmas and New Year it is now time to spend time on moving forward for 2015 with a website revamp. This will hopefully happen in the next month and once completed the changes should mean that our website is much easier to navigate on a mobile device, such as a tablet or mobile phone and will have more functionality for users. A better experience if you are visiting our website to read one of the many blog posts or looking for insurance and to submit a quote form. There will also be an improvement in the speed pages will load and a number of adjustments to our quote forms, making the process more straight forward.

The overdue changes should not mean that our website will be offline for a while. Hopefully the updating will happen without any disruption.

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Insurance Broker since 1984, works for Ember JD and is responsible for the content on the website.

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