
Ember JD logo image
Insurance since 1919

It is essential you choose the right policy, giving you the cover you need. We recommend using the following insurance checklist when comparing policies.

  • Will the policy allow me to share my home with lodgers?
    (We offer specially extended home with lodgers with quality A-rated UK insurer).
  • What is the maximum number limit of lodgers allowed?
    (We offer a policy up to 3 lodgers).
  • If required, are student lodgers allowed?
    (We offer cover regardless of age, tell us in your quote request).
  • Does the insurance include legal liability cover for accidents to lodgers?
    (We offer cover with a £2,000,000 indemnity limit plus legal costs and expenses, or the option to increase to £5,000,000 for an extra £28.00).
  • Loss of rent & cost of temporary accommodation covered after insured damage?
    (We offer cover up to 25% of the contents and buildings sums insured).
  • Can theft by lodgers be included?
    (Yes up to £5,000 per claim, subject to an extra £45.00 (on average) and no previous incidents of theft).
  • Can malicious damage by lodgers be included?
    (Yes up to £5,000 per claim, subject to an extra £35.00 (on average) and no previous incidents of malicious damage).
  • Can accidental damage to my home or contents be insured, including by lodgers?
    (We offer a cover option, even if accidentally caused by a lodger).

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