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Insurance since 1919

Contents in storage

Non standard constructionWe are pleased to offer a home insurance with the facility to insure all or part of your contents in storage. If your circumstances change during the period of insurance and this becomes a requirement.

All items must be kept within a professional storage facility. Valuables are defined below would be excluded: Items of gold, silver or other precious metals, jewellery, watches, furs, pictures, works of art, stamp, coin and medal collections. The following theft limitation would apply: This insurance does not cover loss or damage resulting from theft or attempted theft from the home other than as a result of forcible or violent entry to or exit from the home. Finally a £250 excess would be deducted from each and every claim.

Please use of our website to request a quotation.

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Insurance Broker since 1984, works for Ember JD and is responsible for the content on the website.

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